Sand In My Skivvies

Dear Kids,

Would someone please explain to me why women’s bathing suits come equipped with a little crotch-pocket whose only purpose is to collect sand at the beach? What is that?? It’s literally a one-way-in sand-catcher. I get in the ocean and within 2 minutes I look like a baby carrying a load. What’s up with that, suit manufacturers??

I get what a reinforced crotch is. I understand liners. But why is it open on one end? What did they think was going to happen? The sand would flow right out of its own accord? Nope! That only happens when you sit down on your beach chair or seat of your car and then it all comes rushing out leaving some kind of bizarre mini sand castle behind.

Anyhow….So, we went to the beach. And, crotch-sand-catchers aside, we had a fan-freaking-tastic time. Bask in the memories:





Night beach with glow sticks = epic


This minigolf goddess got two hole-in-ones, people!!

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One thought on “Sand In My Skivvies

  1. You have asked a most excellent question. If you find out, please share in a follow-up post!!

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