Paci, Come Back! I Was Wrong, and I Just Can’t Live Without You!

Dear Buddy,

Recently you kicked a pretty tough dependency on your pacifier (read: it got lost). We always said that it was your last paci and when it was gone – that was it. You are three, after all, and pacifiers are not for big boys. And so, one fateful night we could not find the blasted pacifier and that was it.

You seemed to adjust fairly well.

You asked for the paci every so often, but you went to sleep without much fuss and seemed to be sleeping well. Things were normal for a few weeks.

And then… you gave up your nap. Since your sister did the same thing at this age we figured this was our new normal. Only…you didn’t give up a small nap. You gave up a huge, 3 hour, have to wake you up so you can eat dinner, kind of nap. It was a strange move for you.

And then… you started waking up earlier. First it was 30 minutes, then an hour, and eventually 2 hours early. The whole house began to suffer (read: Mommy and Daddy).

And you were cranky. And you wouldn’t eat well. And you started really, really getting on our sleep-deprived nerves.

Three nights ago, as Daddy and I were putting you to bed, Daddy leaned against your bunk bed, half asleep, and bemoaned the loss of your pacifier. “If he would start sleeping again, I would buy him a dozen new pacifiers. I just need him to sleep!”

And thus, with his wish alighting on the ears of fate…I grabbed a flashlight to search for a lost bear under the bed and found – The Pacifier – wedged behind a leg of the bed.

A promise is a promise, right? We said you could have it until it was gone…and it wasn’t gone anymore, right??

I popped the paci in your mouth (I think I wiped it on my jeans first) and you snuggled in like it was just yesterday you had parted with it.

You did NOT wake up early the next morning. Or the next. Or the next.

You NAPPED both days until you had to be woken up.

You have been PLEASANT and giggly and apparently very hungry.

I know the pacifier is a bad habit. I know that we will have to break you of the habit all over again. I know giving it back to you might have been taking a step backward. But, it’s a step I’m willing to take because the benefits greatly outweigh the risks. We’re all finally getting good sleep and I’m sure the orthodontist will love you some day – win/win, right?

Photo Credit: (shattered art)

Photo Credit: (shattered art)

This song is dedicated to all the tots out there kicking the paci habit. Just replace ‘baby’ with ‘paci’ – it totally works!

Baby Come Back
Written by Hall & Pates

Baby come back, any kind of fool could see
There was something in everything about you.
Baby come back, you can blame it all on me.
I was wrong and I just can’t live without you.

All day long, wearing a mask of false bravado
Tryin’ to keep up a smile that hides the tears.
But as the sun goes down, I get that empty feeling again.
How I wish to God that you were here.

Baby come back, any kind of fool could see
There was something in everything about you.
Baby come back, you can blame it all on me.
I was wrong and I just can’t live without you.

Now that I put it all together.
Give me the chance to make you see.
Have you used up all the love in your heart?
Nothing left for me, is there nothing left for me?

Baby come back, any kind of fool could see
There was something in everything about you.
Baby come back, you can blame it all on me.
I was wrong and I just can’t live without you.

Categories: Buddy, Kids | Tags: , , , , | 4 Comments

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4 thoughts on “Paci, Come Back! I Was Wrong, and I Just Can’t Live Without You!

  1. How eerie. I’ve been on this huge Hall & Oates kick lately. I felt like a sick freak watching them on Youtube at the office…

  2. Dennis Joyner

    He may have to keep this paci until he is 21! LOL! Hugs…

  3. Nice. Every parent has a habit they let their kids keep forever simply for their own benefit, ours is the sippy cup. My son is 6 YEARS OLD. and I still give him a sippy cup. Constantly. Because the child is a mess. Seriously, the child is a walking tornado.
    Thanks for the earworm.

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